Monday, November 28, 2011

Sorry For My Absence

sorry for my lack of posts. i havent had fabric for anything....i might be making a dress soon. stay here. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mudkip Hat

So I told my friend that I was making a pikachu hat and she asked for a mudkip hat. I hesitantly agreed, as i did not have a pattern.  But, it ended looking pretty cute:

Wanna make your own? Lets go! :) (note: I highly sugest reading this entire tutorial before you start sewing. This can be a very confusing tutorial if you sew as you read.)
 First cut out the peices from this tutorial.
Sew 2 pieces and 2 pieces together. Before sewing all the pieces together in step 4, cut out the head comb from my own pattern.
Sew the two pieces together. sew 3 straight lines going down. For the cheeks, use this pattern:

Sew the two cheeks to the circle (i hand sewed them on using a blind stitch) the pieces should look something like this:
Now, pin the head piece in between the two hat peices. i cant find the words to explain it so heres a picture to attempt to.

now cut out the  rectangle as directed to in the hat's pattern. sew on as shown.  now sewing the cheeks on was a bit tricky. take the circles and sew 2 straight lines on both sides of the circle. were almost done! now i painted on the eyes using acrylic panit. let it dry and.....done! you have your very own mudkip hat. :)